December shifts need to be filled, 2023 dates TBD# of RNs: Days average 7-9 floor nurses (plus 1 charge, 2 triage RNs), Nights average 5-6 floor nurses (plus 1 charge, 2 triage RNs) this number drops by about 1-2 nurses on weekend due to lower case-load# of MAs: We dont have MAs, but we have OB Assistants (3 on days, 2 on nights) and Surgical Technicians (3 on days, 2 on nights)# of PA/NPs: 4 midwives that care for patients collaborate with physicians with increased in level of care situationsCredentialing Requirement: Complete refer and follow privilege forms at regional facilities (Aurora, Cassville, Lebanon, Mount View, Springfield) during the credentialing process.