All Star Healthcare Solutions is seeking a CRNA tin Oregon
- Starts as soon as licensed and credentialed
- 8-12 hours per day 4 days per week
- Call 1-2 calls per 4 day week, plus 1-2 3day weekend (Friday 7 AM thru Monday 7AM ) beeper calls / month + working the following Monday, light callback
- EMR: Epic
- General surgery , gynecology ,retina, urology, plastic/breast reconstruction, ortho spine, general ortho, podiatry, dental. RARE trauma - mostly ortho, eye
- No hearts, neuro, vascular
- Must be able to work independently
All Star Healthcare Solutions benefits
- Competitive pay
- Malpractice coverage
- Full-service agency
- Paid and coordinated travel services
- 24/7 professional and reliable service
- Dedicated, specialty-specific consultants
- Member of NALTO