Optimal Bio specializes in Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT). BHRT uses all-natural hormones that are identical to the hormones made by your body to ease the degenerative side effects of aging and other medical issues. The goal of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy is to balance your body’s hormones, bringing them to the optimal levels your system was initially designed to maintain.
Optimal Bio is medical company with medical practices. We are mission focused company. We hire people who want to grow individually, as a team and as a company. We are paving the way in the healthcare space specializing in preventative healthcare, by optimizing your hormone health. We are what healthcare is meant to be – a patient relationship.
Your primary duties shall be to provide medical services to patients in accordance with industry standards of a PA-C or NP as directed by Optimal Bio. Specifically, Optimal Bio expects your primary duties will be comprised of patient consultations and pellet placements. Based on experience and once trained, Optimal Bio believes that you should expect to perform three pellet placements and one patient consultation per hour or four pellet placements per hour. Optimal Bio may, in its sole discretion, assign additional or alternate duties to you at any time. You must provide and perform all such services as authorized by the Texas Medical Board and in accordance with federal, state, and local rules and regulations.
Benefits include:
Licenses, CME