Title: Senior GIS Application Developer
Job Summary:
- Join our dynamic consulting team as a Senior GIS Application Developer contributing your expertise to software coding, database implementation, and the development of cutting-edge web and desktop applications.
Job Responsibilities:
- Collaborate on the physical design and technology evaluations.
- Lead application development to ensure optimal results.
- Identify and mitigate risks to the project's architecture and construction efforts.
- Maintain transparent communication with the Project Manager and Technology Architect to uphold project timelines.
- Implement robust testing plans for comprehensive quality assurance.
Skills / Qualifications Required:
- over 5 years of hands-on experience crafting custom GIS solutions / widget using Esri ArcGIS suite and Esri ArcSDE.
- Expertise in Esri ArcSDE, specializing in geospatial data management, imagery, design, and modeling.
- Proficiency in Esri ArcGIS suite encompassing ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Server, ArcGIS Online, Portal for ArcGIS, Web AppBuilder, and Experience Builder.
- Strong familiarity with related tools, including AWS, Azure, FME, FME Server, Oracle, SQL Server, IIS, HTML5, Python, JavaScript, and C#.NET / ASP.NET.
- Awareness of emerging technologies like Cloud, Big Data, and machine learning.
- We are seeking a candidate who can work onsite at our Houston office and commute 3x a week to the office.
- Exceptional interpersonal and communication skills.
- Proven ability to identify requirements and deliver solutions aligned with business objectives
- Type: Salaried Full Time Employee
- Location: Onsite 3 days a week in Westchase District of Houston, Texas