As an Echo Locum Tenens clinician, you have the freedom to choose what assignments you cover. You will also receive competitive pay with related travel and lodging provided, malpractice insurance with tail coverage, and full-service staff, which includes credentialing, logistics, payroll, and licensing assistance.
Seeking those who are interested in licensing in Oregon.
Providence Portland Medical Center
- 483 beds
- Trauma Center
- 32 ICU beds
- 17 MD, 47 CRNA FTE Model
- No offsite ANES needs
- Candidate must be 90 miles from Portland.
- Week & Weekends 10, 12, 16hr shifts
- On-Call required - Call Schedule: TBD
- TYPES OF CASES: Neuro, GI, EP, Cath Lab, General, GYN, OB, Ortho
- Medically Direct CRNAs
Please contact Brittany McFadden for questions about the position at
Brittany McFadden Senior Recruiting Consultant P: