We (teams across DSE) would like to leverage technicians to build and manage the nodes on the test rack so hiring a "Test Rack Technician" for one of our clients onsite in Oakland, California. Pls apply or directly reach out to me if you would be interested in this role.
● Assemble hardware test fixtures (required)
○ Skills: screwdriver, following assembly instructions, handling PCBs
● Investigate failures and repair test bundles to return them to service (required)
○ Skills: read error messages, navigate Linux command line, swap components without impacting test fixtures
● Ensure that we can have our infrastructure up and running for teams to run tests
● Take ownership of the debug and triage process of keeping nodes healthy
What will you be doing:
● Building client's hardware nodes
○ Assemble Bundles of Hardware (cables, USB hubs, power supplies, and PCBs) in a consistent manner to ensure that the bundle will provide reliable test signal
● Detecting node failures (and tracking status)
○ Check web interface for node health
○ Run test scripts from connected laptop
■ Not scared of or can learn to use the command line
○ Read test log and identify failures
○ Establish hypotheses and set up experiments to test for failing components
○ Catalog failing components by SN and failure mode
● Fixing broken nodes
○ Bonus! Can update scripts when necessary
○ Identify Failing Components - swap components in order to achieve a reliable test system
○ Run standard and non-standard validations to ensure that the test bundle meets the SW engineer teams’ needs
Stretch goals:
● Skills: validate new firmware on components, run test scripts on boards
● Skills: Can write, understand and debug simple scripts