Title: Collibra Consultant
Location: Fort Worth, TX
Duration: 2-3 Months(Extendable)
Individual should have experience or certification with Collibra to perform technical data lineage and data catalog/mapping. Additionally, experience with data classifications/categorization in Collibra is also desired for this role.
1. Individuals should have at least 2 years of work experience in Data Governance, Cataloging, and Lineage
2. Individual should have experience with technical data lineage and tracking of data from different in-source databases through ETL tools to reporting
3. Strong understanding of sensitive, and highly sensitive. and PII classification of data to support data catalog activities
4. Either 2-3 years of experience with Collibra OR certification with Collibra to perform technical data lineage and data catalog/mapping. Additionally, experience with data classifications/categorization in Collibra is also desired for this role.