Richmond hospital seeks PRN Neonatologist to help cover shifts as needed.
PRN Bench providers (Newborn Nursery)(NBN) .5 FTE
7A-7P 12-hour shifts
No call
Creds: 90-120 days, expedited on clean file
Nursery bed size: 50
Average Daily Census: 27.9
Annual births/deliveries: 5342
EMR: PremiEHR, Meditech
NICU/PICU: Level 3
Daily patient load per clinician: 25-high 30s
NICU SPECIFIC: Staffing Model: 2 day shifts and 1 night shift daily. 6 doc model, no NNP coverage.
Pediatricians cover well babies
Subspecialty Backup: No cardiac surgery except for PDAs; no ECMO. There is on-site Cardiology, with additional support from VCU subspecialists. Pediatric Surgery support for on-site procedures.
BC/BE Neo, NRP Required
Will wait on a VA license, state-specific DEA assignment required
Thank you,
The Sumo Team
SUMO Medical Staffing
Providing a better experience!
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