We have an immediate need for locum Anesthesia Physicians in Kettering, OH. This program encompasses 3 facilities (Kettering Main, Miamisburg, and Troy) MDs will need an Active Ohio license. General Cases. ENT, Ortho, Optho, Pain, Urology, GEN, GYN, etc
Flexible hourly shifts. Our hourly rate is highly competitive, and we cover travel and your malpractice at the site.
Kettering Hospital
- Hospital
- 1099 position
- Ratio of 1 MD: 4-5 CRNA
- Ultrasound available
- Flexible shifts (8, 10, 12, 24hr)
- Optional on-call
- General Cases. ENT, Ortho, Optho, Pain, Urology, GEN, GYN, GS (lots of bariatric cases)
- No shift requirement
- Malpractice (including tail) provided
Please contact Josh for questions about this position.
Cameron Jenkins Recruitment Consultant P: