Immedite Hire Part-Time Admistrative Assistant with Accounts Receivable and Payable experience preferred.
Very Busy Professional Employment company is seeking a Part-Time tmporary Administrative Assitant. College Graduates welcome to apply. This is a seasonal part-time role however, could lead to a full-time position. You will be assistig the President of the company on Administrative tasks. Very strong Technicl skills id prefered. Microsoft outlook and word, Google, Strong administrative ability. The appropriate candidate will be task and results oriented. Must be dependable and flexible. Some of the work will be business combined with personal taks.
Willing to wok in a fast paced environment and demonstrate dependability. Having some Accounts Payable and or Accounts Receivable, audits experience will be a plust however, we are willing to train the selected individual.
Serious minded candidates apply to 631-272-2807 email
Joseph Camarda