Work Dates Needed: Monday, June 26 Thursday, Oct Preferred Schedule: Mon Fri, typically 7:30a-4pScope of Work: Solo position No other PTH onsite at this facility There are other PTH available in Nashville for consultation; 1 cytotech on site; Transcriptionist are available to type up reports 1 is on site The turn-around time is approximately 2hrs or less; Cytotech and transcriptionists can assist with some PTH technician activities (staining frozen section slides, preparing specimens for courier pick-up); All specimens are sent via courier to the main Airpark lab, and essentially no grossing is done on site, except when necessary during frozen section/intraoperative evaluation. Case load is approx. 15 in-house cases per day. Types of cases include: Biopsies (GI, GYN, skin, bladder, laryngeal, breast, lung (tumor), appendix, tonsils, gallbladders, hernias, prostatectomies/transurethral resections, placentas, peripheral blood smear review, thyroids, nephrectomies, and occasionally orchiectomies.); Cytology (Non-GYN (pleural fluids, bronchial washings, BALs, urines, ascites fluid, EBUS specimens, FNAs, and PAP smears Approx. 15 per day); Peripheral blood smears are reviewed, largely on a quality assurance basis, with minimal commentary required (usually 2-3 smears per day).EMR: N/ACompetitive Pay